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The Machine by Alan Dudman

This is the home of some of my artwork, photography, short stories, media work, sporting tales and other nonsense. Enjoy!

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Danish Dynamite - article from 2020

Dudman, Dowie and Egbe

In the 2000s, I was playing for my local club Old Finchleians, before a spell in non-league football at Edgware reserves, latterly...

The Arsenal Experience

Many celebrities will often mention and boast how they had a 'football trial' somewhere. It gives them some extra street cred depending...

Howard the master

The first real influence on my own cricket career was Howard Masters. A brilliant captain. 'H' as he was known, was a hugely successful...

Pete and Dud

Sorry, another cricket matter. But the story of Peter Sogbodjor needs telling. We've all read the book "The Best Player You Never Saw",...

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