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The Machine by Alan Dudman

This is the home of some of my artwork, photography, short stories, media work, sporting tales and other nonsense. Enjoy!

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My artwork

Not much remains of my old art portfolio, but my painstaking portrait of Bob Marley still stands, and stands at home and a reminder of...

Dudman, Dowie and Egbe

In the 2000s, I was playing for my local club Old Finchleians, before a spell in non-league football at Edgware reserves, latterly...

The Arsenal Experience

Many celebrities will often mention and boast how they had a 'football trial' somewhere. It gives them some extra street cred depending...

Cowboy boots and hat

Everytime I mention the name of Bella, my best friend shudders. Beautiful, but mildly unhinged. She told me she didn't like what I did...

Am I a clairvoyant Bob?

A slightly misleading headline maybe, but a few things have happened to me with a sense of deja vu, and certainly events have happened of...

The speedboat near death experience

It came in 1992, a great holiday with my mates from school after the first year of A-levels. Memorable in so many ways, when Guy decided...

Howard the master

The first real influence on my own cricket career was Howard Masters. A brilliant captain. 'H' as he was known, was a hugely successful...

A bit part actor

I used to date one actress who vanished into thin air, then managed a date with someone who appeared in Sliding Doors. That failed to go...

The talented ghost

Legend has it that actor William Terriss haunts Covent Garden tube station, so too the Adelphi Theatre. Terriss was seen in 2005 at the...

The best teletext headline in the world

Teletext was a thing of beauty. That was our number one news source in the 80s and 90s. I worked for Clubcall, the premium rate telephone...

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