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  • adudman9

Am I a clairvoyant Bob?

A slightly misleading headline maybe, but a few things have happened to me with a sense of deja vu, and certainly events have happened of which I have dreamt about for them to come true.

Derek Acorah always blamed Sam his spirit guide when it wrong. I can picture him now saying "Kreed Kreed."

And what do the French say for deja vu? "Fuck me that's happened before".

A true story. I was staying at my mother's for Christmas many years ago and when I stayed there I always went for a run to Highgate and the famous Highgate Cemetery - the place where Karl Marx, Catherine Dickens (wife of Charles), Lucian Freud, John Galsworthy and

George Michael are buried.

Galsworthy mentions The Spaniards Inn in Finchley during his epic Forsyte Saga - and that's a run I would often take in happier times. There's something magical taking those steps through the toll gate that stands from 1812.

My run was always assisted with a podcast. At the time I was listening to the BBC World Service with Bob Wilson reflecting on his time playing for Scotland in the Olympics. Not many people know that, I didn't. Not many know his middle name is Primrose either. Surely the only goalkeeper in the history of football to have such a middle name.

I'd crossed the road that leads to the hill and at the very moment Bob started talking on my headphones on the BBC, he got out of a car, a light blue Mercedes, and walked straight in front of me and smiled. A warm, friendly smile. Part of my childhood growing up on Grandstand with his genial style. A good broadcaster too. But there he was, in front of me and in my eyes.

Better than David Icke.

But what were the chances? A billion to one? Same as Arsenal's odds now to win the league.

The time I broke my leg very badly was another very strange sensation. It was pretty gory as my leg was virtually hanging off and facing the wrong way hanging by its nerves. It was a freezing January night too and I was laid on the pitch for about 30 minutes waiting for the ambulance.

The pain was unbearable, I can only compare it to having your leg set on fire.

By about 40 minutes I was slipping out of consciousness. The medics came eventually (Cameron's Britain), and gave me oxygen. But I started seeing things and my head was swirling, and for one moment everything went backwards. Time, my life, it was though it was rewinding. The final words I heard were from my ex-girlfriend Sarah, whom I dearly loved, and she said goodbye Alan, and that was it. After that it rewound and I fell asleep. It really did feel like a rewind of my life.

I did wake up in the hospital, to my mate Wisey saying you need an operation. Thanks.

I have dreamed, and a recurring dream that I can never get changed or ready in time. I'm often late, but one dream stood out where I cannot find a pair of shoes or football boots and trainers. Losing a cricket bat, or pads.

One dream was visiting a doctor and a Spanish woman checked my lungs were working. I turned up to the doctors one day as I had a chest infection, and guess what?

Bob Wilson was there.

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